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  • From London to Abu Dhabi – Abdalla Kablan changes the game for AI financing

From London to Abu Dhabi – Abdalla Kablan changes the game for AI financing

In the dynamic world of technology and innovation Dr. Abdalla Kablan stands out as a visionary entrepreneur and a leading figure in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and FinTech. From his early days as a keenly inquisitive child fascinated by problem-solving, to his influential role in shaping the future of AI, Dr. Kablan’s path has been marked by a relentless pursuit of innovation. In this feature, we explore the mind of a man who believes AI and FinTech are not just evolving industries, but are jointly scripting the blueprint of our future.

Reading Time: 5 mins read

Dr. Abdalla Kablan is a distinguished figure in the world of technology, particularly known for his expertise in artificial intelligence and machine learning applied to complex financial systems. His journey as a serial tech entrepreneur and investor is marked by the foundation and successful exit of several tech companies, especially in the realms of deep learning and process automation. One of his notable achievements includes the acquisition of his venture, Wyzer, by a NASDAQ-Nordic listed company in 2021.

Beyond his entrepreneurial success, Dr. Kablan is also an acclaimed academic, engaging actively in the field of computational intelligence. His groundbreaking PhD research, conducted between 2007 and 2011, delved into the cryptographic block algorithms foundational to Bitcoin.

Dr. Kablan has served as a board member of the Malta Stock Exchange, chairing its blockchain committee. This expertise has earned him recognition as one of the top 100 global blockchain influencers by Lattice80 and as one of the top 7 entrepreneurs to follow in 2021 by the London Daily Post. A prominent figure in the international tech community, Dr. Kablan frequently speaks at major events such as the Web Summit, TNW, the United Nations Investment Forum, the World Economic Forum, and GITEX.

Why did you choose to focus on AI as an important element in your entrepreneurial journey and how do you see the future of AI and FinTech evolving, especially in the Arabian world? 

As a child I’ve always been inquisitive and loved problem solving, hence my venture into AI was not merely a choice but a calling to partake in shaping a technology that is the cornerstone of our future. I envisage AI and FinTech evolving hand-in-hand globally including the Arabian world, with an unparalleled potential to revolutionize our approach to finance, fostering a new era of innovation and inclusivity.

What specific strategies do you have for fostering a techno-renaissance in this region?

Technological renaissance in the region is a multifaceted endeavor. My strategy encompasses fostering awareness in STEM, encouraging public-private partnerships, and creating a conducive ecosystem for tech startups that aligns with our rich cultural ethos and forward-thinking ambitions.

Following the successful launch of Delta Wealth Partners after acquiring the FRSA license in Abu Dhabi, what were your primary motivations for establishing this venture capital fund?

Delta Wealth Partners inception is a testament to my belief in the transformative power of technology. This venture capital fund is poised to be the catalyst for groundbreaking AI-driven solutions, particularly in a region ripe for digital transformation.

Reflecting on your recent participation in Web Summit 2023, how did the event and your interactions with the community there inspired your strategy for Delta Wealth Partners?

Web Summit 2023 was a mosaic of inspiration. It reaffirmed my conviction that collaborative synergy and cross-pollination of ideas are vital to Delta Wealth Partners strategy, fueling our mission to harness the potential of AI.

Could you outline the potential avenues for collaboration between Europe and the UAE in your vision?

I envision a vibrant partnership corridor between Europe and the gulf region which is why I feel fortunate and honored with the vision that the UAE is carving to rightly position itself as a global leader in this space, leveraging European technological advancements and the UAE’s strategic position and investment prowess to foster a mutually beneficial growth trajectory.

Do you believe that Abu Dhabi is set to become the new global financial capital?

Abu Dhabi, with its visionary forward thinking smart leadership and robust infrastructure, is not just poised but is already transforming into a global financial nexus that beautifully blends tradition with futurism.

In light of your entrepreneurial journey and experiences, what message would you like to convey to aspiring entrepreneurs? 

As an entrepreneur, my message is simple: let your vision be guided by passion, your journey marked by perseverance, and your decisions rooted in values.

Dr. Kablan, you mentioned that sometimes values are more important than money because they help build networks and investments. Could you give an example from your experience where putting values first led to success in your business?

Values over profit is not a concept but a practice for me. It was the trust and integrity we built in the early days that laid the foundation for our most significant ventures and long-term partnerships.

What strategies do you use to stay ahead of the curve in your industry?

Staying ahead of the curve is a blend of continuous learning, adapting swiftly, and not just predicting but also shaping future trends through innovation.

Can you name 3 books that changed your life and what did you learn from them?

Three transformative books for me were ‘Thinking, Fast and Slow’ by Daniel Kahneman, ‘The Innovator’s Dilemma’ by Clayton M. Christensen, and ‘Sapiens’ by Yuval Noah Harari. They reshaped my understanding of human cognition, the essence of innovation, and the broad strokes of human history.

What are the main factors that led you to where you are right now?

The main factors that have led me here are an insatiable curiosity, the courage to take calculated risks, and the unwavering support of mentors and peers who have believed in my vision.

How do you balance the rapid pace of technological advancement with the need for ethical considerations, particularly in AI?

Balancing the velocity of technological growth with ethical imperatives is an ongoing challenge. In my ventures, we anchor this equilibrium in a strong ethical framework from the outset. This involves assembling diverse teams to ensure a multifaceted perspective on the implications of our work, instituting rigorous ethical review processes, and engaging in open dialogues with stakeholders. AI, with its profound capabilities, demands that we not only ask what we can do but more importantly, what we should do. It’s about embedding ethical reasoning within the AI systems themselves, ensuring they operate within the confines of human values and societal norms.

In an age where information is abundant, what strategies do you employ to cultivate wisdom in leadership and decision-making?

In the deluge of information that defines our era, wisdom in leadership comes from the ability to discern signal from noise. To cultivate this, I employ a strategy of reflective practice, which involves stepping back from the immediacy of information to reflect on underlying patterns and lessons. This means prioritizing learning over simply knowing, asking the right questions, and embracing a multidisciplinary approach to understanding the complexities of our world. Wisdom also comes from engaging with a broad spectrum of perspectives, fostering a culture of continuous learning, and maintaining the humility to recognize and learn from mistakes. I must say that this fits perfectly with our fund management operation being based out of Abu Dhabi where the policy makers have always employed a wisdom-driven approach inspired by the teachings of the founding father his highness Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahayyan may he rest in peace whom I consider as my life long role model of wisdom and benevolence.

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BY Egli HAXHIRAJ, Anamaria MESHKURTI, Jonida GJUZI and Viktoriia SAVITSKA.

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